Explain why. Submit your final paper on Canvas by the end of Thursday, March 14.

Words: 212
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Pick one Japan-related film that you want to be included in this class in the future. Explain why. Pick one film that you liked most in this course. Explain why. Submit your final paper on Canvas by the end of Thursday, March 14. If you submit your paper on time, you will receive 10 points (If you submit one day late, you will receive 9.5 points, 2 days late, 9 points, 3 days late, 8 points. After that, please consult the instructor.)

Plagiarism is a serious offense and can lead to an F for the course and further disciplinary action. Students should acknowledge all research and reading sources in their assignments (be they from books, magazines, journal articles, Internet sources, DVD commentaries, etc.) with proper footnotes and bibliographic citations. Remember to keep a copy of submitted assignments until your final grade is posted

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