The Union Movement Today and Tomorrow-What challenges will organizations face to ensure remote workers, if desired, are included in processes to form Unions?

Words: 289
Pages: 2
Subject: Business, Do My assignment

Review the following:

Chapters 14, 15 and 16 from the course textbook, Dessler, G. Human Resource Management. Suddenly Working Remotely? You And Your Coworkers Can Still UnionizeLinks to an external site..
Review the following video:
Reviving the Labor MovementLinks to an external site..
As you reviewed in Chapter 15, “the history of the American labor movement is one of expansion and contractions in response to public policy changes. Until about 1930, there were no special labor laws. Employers were not required to engage in collective barding with employees and were virtually unrestrained in their behavior toward unions…” Unions remain influential today and their impacts on business and particularly, patient outcomes for the Healthcare industry are captured in Chapter 15 of the text. For this discussion, you will assume the role of the HR Director.

In your initial post, discuss:
What challenges will organizations face to ensure remote workers, if desired, are included in processes to form Unions?
What protections must organizations establish for remote workers to protect against such things as workplace discrimination laws and sexual harassment?
What protections must organizations establish for remote workers to protect against such things as relocation of companies to nonunion settings, mergers and acquisitions that may eliminate jobs, organizational vision changes, etc.
Guided Response: Your initial post should be 300 words

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