ow would you interview member of the Church of Satan? What type of qualitative sampling technique would you use?

Words: 256
Pages: 1
Subject: Order Essay

Imagine you have been hired to conduct field (qualitative) research on the topic of the Church of Satan. Please answer all of the discussion questions:

First discuss the beliefs of the Church of Satan. Please visit the section on beliefs and practices. Are there any surprises? Please write at least two to three paragraphs that describes the beliefs of the Church of Satan.
Second, discuss how you would “enter the field.” How would you conduct field research among member of the Church of Satan?
What level of involvement would you take (please see the textbook)?

How would you interview member of the Church of Satan? What type of qualitative sampling technique would you use? make an interview guide that contains a least 15 questions you would ask the members of the church of Satan. Be sure to read the textbook on interviewing, to help you with this assignment. Write down the 15-20 open-ended questions you would ask members of the Church of Satan. What would you like to know about them?
Lastly, what problems may you encounter in conducting such researc

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