Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, and arts.

Words: 388
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

For this essay, you will research an indigenous group and their relationship with anthropology. Include the following points in your essay.

Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, and arts.
What issues has this group faced in terms of globalization? Some examples may include culture loss or forced resettlement.
Describe how anthropologists are currently working with this group. Some examples may include language loss prevention, revitalization of some cultural aspect, or legal representation for land rights.
Here are some examples of indigenous groups from which to choose. Your instructor may have more examples. If you choose a group, not on this list, have it approved by your instructor.

The Maasai in East Africa

Please refer back to the Statement on Ethnocentrism, and keep it in mind as you write your paper.

Rough Draft
What to include in the rough draft:

Briefly introduce in a paragraph the indigenous group you have chosen.
Include where they are located, the size of the population, and a descriiption of the environment.
Outline your paper.
Take notes on each of these topics: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, and arts.
Note any globalization issues and anthropological work that you want to discuss.
List of sources (at least 3)
You will need full citations for the final draft.
Begin writing your paper
Aim for 1-2 pages at this time.
Include at least 3 outside (outside of course materials) sources. Cite your sources at the end of the paper and within the text. Any format is acceptable, but include enough information that allows your instructor to find your source. At a minimum include this information when available: author, date published, the title of the source, the title of book or journal, publisher name and city, and website address. I

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