Identify your target audience and create clear goals for what you want to communicate to your audience.

Words: 218
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Identify your target audience and create clear goals for what you want to communicate to your audience. 2. Simplify your material into as few bullet points as possible. -Use presentation tools such as graphs, tables, images, audio and video within your presentation. -Use attention catching graphics to visually express what you are communicating. You can use free stock photo sites for photographs that capture the essence of what you are trying to say. -Have a clear introduction that expresses what you will be covering. Use the conclusion slide to summarize what you have covered -Have a “Questions?” slide after your conclusion to open up discussion with your audience and create an interactive presentation. -End with your contact information, and any information links to your website, blog or other resources. Make sure that your audience knows that they can continue the conversation with you.

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