What are its advantages compared to other biomarkers in terms of stability, analysis and robustness?

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Pages: 1
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1) There are hundreds of lipid peroxidation products, why did the authors choose F2-isoprostane? What are its advantages compared to other biomarkers in terms of stability, analysis and robustness? 2) Is the analysis of one lipid peroxidation product sufficient? What other analysis did the authors perform to establish that brain damage is oxidative in nature. 3) What analytical technique used to analyze F2-IsoP’s in their study? Is this a robust method? What analytical technique you would have chosen to analyze for F2-IsoP’s? 4) If you have to choose another lipid peroxidation biomarker, what would that be and why? 5) Would the same results be observed in patients with chronic brain damage condition? That is, if experiments were performed days or months after an acute ischemic stroke instead of within 9 hours? Whether your answer is yes or no, why? please answer all these questions from the article below.

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