What should you do to make sure your subjects (those victims) are protected (physically and psychologically) from their recall of those painful experiences?

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Online E-Textbook Link (Must Use): https://www.vitalsource.com/login Username: dewaynewattsjr@gmail.com Password: Coleworld23! Name of the book: Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology by Michael G. Maxfield ***Read chapter 3 of the book (p.57-79)*** and answer the following two discussion questions: 1. (Chapter 3) If you are conducting a study that intends to study victims’ views of their own victimization and their views towards Criminal Justice System, what kinds of ethical concerns may you have before, during, and after your visiting of your subjects? What should you do to make sure your subjects (those victims) are protected (physically and psychologically) from their recall of those painful experiences? 2. (Chapters 1-3) Please discuss your understanding of the importance of why criminological theories and empirical studies should be closely linked. You should develop your responses about what you learned from the assigned chapters. Please do NOT copy-paste from chapter texts. ***Cite two quotes from the book***

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