Explain why International, Regional, and Non-Governmental Organizations are still relevant and needed.

Assignment Question

These questions should be answered in full sentences (at least 4-5 sentences PER answer — any less may result in a lesser grade). You should use only your own words (no quotes). Make sure you fully answer the questions and provide examples from the course material

1. What issue/topic that we covered in class stood out to you the most and why?

2. How has comparing various wars and genocide helped you understand the world in which you live?

3. Do you think recent events like the genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Myanmar, etc. will ever stop happening? Why/why not?

4. Explain why International, Regional, and Non-Governmental Organizations are still relevant and needed.

5. How (if at all) did COVID affect regime types and relationships between different regimes?

6. Are genocides more likely to continue as ideological divides deepen around the world?

7. Based on what you now know about regimes types, war, and genocide – Is the U.S. at risk of a war or genocide? Why/why not?

8. On July 8th, 2022, the former Prime Minister of Japan was assassinated while campaigning for their upcoming elections.

Does this affect Japan’s democracy or put it at risk? Why/why not? 9. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, it attempted to annex the country and make it part of a new Soviet Union-type regime.

What two regime-types is this a war between, and who do you think will prevail. Why? 10. Are you hopeful for the future (in terms of international relations and politics)? Why/why not?

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