Write examples of how individuals might use more advanced statistical analyses in their chosen career path, and then share the examples with the class. Please choose two statistical techniques

Assignment Question

Part I: Write examples of how individuals might use more advanced statistical analyses in their chosen career path, and then share the examples with the class. Choose two statistical techniques.

Part II: Out of all the advanced techniques described in Chapter 18, which one do you believe has the most potential to be good, and why? readings: and youtube examples: Complete the following readings from your textbook, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Chapter 17: Chi-Square and Some Other Nonparametric Tests What to Do When You’re Not Normal..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-sGvh6tI04 Chapter 18: Some Other (Important) Statistical Procedures You Should Know About…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p7fKJE4Hz0&list=PL515C918F3A944836

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