Is it possible for artificially intelligent machinery have person hood status? Remembering that Person hood, as a concept, is not necessarily exclusive to humanity, is it possible for A.l. to have/achieve nonhuman person hood and be part of the “moral community of persons?”

Assignment Question

Prompt: Is it possible for artificially intelligent machinery have person hood status? Remembering that Person hood, as a concept, is not necessarily exclusive to humanity, is it possible for A.l. to have/achieve nonhuman person hood and be part of the “moral community of persons?” Explain your answer, making it clear what standard for person hood you are using, and the motivation behind that standard. What Ethical Theory are you using as a guide? Use the various ideas and terminology we have covered in this course to frame your response. For this paper, you must make clear the reasoning behind your response, showing evidence for any claims you make. What Ethical Theory are you using for support?

• Choose from among the 2 prompts.
• 750 words minimum
• Typed, double-spaced
• 12 pt font
• Times New Roman
• Works Cited required • MLA format recommended.

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