Discuss three theories which resonated with you the most and be sure to provide examples of why you feel these resonated with you the most with regards to your personality.

Pick one of these prompts below and answer it with 4 pages apa 1) Based upon the film Three Identical Strangers, do you believe more in nature or nurture as a component of personality? Be sure to use examples from the film to support your response. 2) What was your experience working on a group project? Be sure to address your working style and personality traits – are you more extroverted/introverted, creative/analytical? Did your run into any tensions in your group due to different personalities and how were you able to work together? 3) We discussed a variety of personality theorists this semester: Freud, Trait Theory, Erickson, Maslow, Humanistic, Rogers, Object Relations, Biological, Jung and others. Discuss three theories which resonated with you the most and be sure to provide examples of why you feel these resonated with you the most with regards to your personality. 4) What do you think about the current classification system for Personality Disorders (clusters A, B, C). If you were to create your own classification system for Personality Disorders, how would you classify them? Do you think there are any of the current disorders that do not belong as a “Personality Disorder?” 5) Based upon what has been discussed in semester in class, where do you see yourself in 10-20 years, what is one step you could take to make that a reality, and how will your own personality traits support this goal? Your final paper is to be a minimum of 4-pages (double spaced, 1-inch margins and times new roman or similar font). Please make sure to put your name on the document and cite according to APA requirements if you choose to quote the textbook or other academic materials.

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