What might be some of the reasons other departments are not cooperating with Ted Jones’s group?

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A:Vignette: Troubles at Eagle Manufacturing Company 1. What might be some of the reasons other departments are not cooperating with Ted Jones’s group? 2. How will Ted’s people benefit from training? How will training improve their relationships with other departments? 3. Would a Supply Chain Management approach improve this situation? B:What are the benefits/implications of Purchasing’s linkage with the following functions?1. Manufacturing and Operations2. Quality3. Marketing4. Finance5. Information Technology6. Logistics7. Accounts Payable8. Lawyers C:External Linkages: Purchasing acts as a liaison with the external environment for multiple issues, including materials, new technology, information and services. 1. Describe areas in the outside environment supply managers need to monitor:2. Describe Polaroid’s six-step environment monitoring strategy:

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