Analyze a criminal case for potential violations of constitutional rights

Research the criminal law and procedure of a case
Analyze a criminal case for potential violations of constitutional rights
Critique the criminal law and procedure used in a criminal case
Summarize a criminal case
Assignment Overview:
This exercise summarizes a criminal case; documents and critiques the criminal law and procedure used in a criminal case; and analyzes a criminal case for potential constitutional violations.
A 500-word report
Step 1

Conduct an online search or use other resources to find an article that outlines a criminal case in your jurisdiction.
Step 2
Review the article and write a 500 word report that outlines the key points that a supervising attorney would need to know about the case. The report should be thorough and detailed and be 500 words. It should also contain proper citations for the source of the information and must be grammatically correct, have proper sentence structure and be organized to effectively convey your ideas. Points will be deducted for lack of content as well as these requirements not being met.
Step 3
Continuing in the document you started in Step 2, please critique the case by discussing what went well and what could have been done better as it relates to criminal law. Do not put your personal opinion about the case. This critique is solely on the basis of criminal procedure.
Step 4
Using the same report you started in Step 2, discuss any constitutional violations you observed in the case and discuss the facts that show the constitutional violation.

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