A study on the Repercussions of Stereotypical Identity Myths in TV Advertising.

Words: 383
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

She is wise, caring, selfless, multitasking and hardworking; she is seductive, feminine, positive and entertaining as well; She is also obedient, fragile, weak and sensitive; but she lacks confidence, needs support and seeks approval. Across the MENA region, this has been the typical female image, as portrayed in advertising. This research aims to prove that, while this image might have been effective in terms of sales, even in brand building, this myth has created some enduring cultural stereotypes that no longer relate to its audiences, that lack creativity and that continuously defy ethics.

This paper aims to take a closer look at the cultural relevance and the impact of such identity myths. It will examine and evaluate female personas consistently portrayed in advertising, starting from initiation and conception: the process of myth creation and storytelling, then on to realization and execution: the communication piece itself, and finally, concluding with results as well as reactions and audience feedback.

Four specific countries will form the base for this research; these are countries known as the leading force behind most of the creativity in advertising within the region: Egypt, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates and, of course, Saudi Arabia, the largest market in the MENA. Recent TV commercials created for various brand offerings will be evaluated at different levels, through interviews and focus groups:

At first, the strategic planners and advertising creatives behind the campaigns will explain and justify the works and the story of the persona they created. At a second level, male audiences will also be invited to review and assess the commercials. Finally, the originally intended female audience will also evaluate the works and determine how closely do they identify with these celebrated personas.

In conclusion, the research attempts to identify and recommend better practices when building identity myths that would effectively represent and relate to this widely misrepresented audience.

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