Write a paper about George Washington and explain a challenge the person faced, what that challenge was, and how the person did or did not overcome the challenge.-Do not write a complete biography of the person’s life.-Focus on a challenge faced by the person.-Describe the historical, social, governmental or personal circumstances of the challenge.-Explain how the person interacted with the challenge. -Did the person meet the challenge and succeed?-Did the challenge defeat the person?-Explain the resolution of the challenge. Was it resolved? Did it continue?-Does the challenge the person faced continue to challenge American society today? Explain how so or why the challenge no longer exists.This paper must include a discussion of the following topics:-A thorough summary of the event including the incidents that took place and the key individuals involved;-The importance of the event in the scheme of U.S. history; and-The impact of the event, person, or time in U.S. History.Directions:-Paper must be 4 full pages not counting the title and reference pages.-Use at least five sources, one primary source and a scholarly journal article.-Construct an introduction and strong thesis statement.-In the body of the essay, use supporting facts and examples to strengthen your thesis.-Finish with a forceful conclusion reiterating your main idea.