Locate and read a document related to U.S. History written during the period 1865-1980. This can be a public or government document, a published newspaper, periodical or book (or chapter or article from a book or paper), a privately written document (letter, diary, etc), even a work of fiction. Just make sure that it was actually written during the period you are focusing on (a letter from a World War II soldier to his family at home would be acceptable; a book about World War II written in 1998 would not).

Words: 285
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Locate and read a document related to U.S. History written during the period 1865-1980. This can be a public or government document, a published newspaper, periodical or book (or chapter or article from a book or paper), a privately written document (letter, diary, etc), even a work of fiction. Just make sure that it was actually written during the period you are focusing on (a letter from a World War II soldier to his family at home would be acceptable; a book about World War II written in 1998 would not).Write a brief (3-4 typewritten pages, double spaced minimum) description and analysis about what you have read. Be sure to address the following questions:1) Who wrote it?2) When was it written and/or published?3) Where was it written and/or published?4) Who was the intended audience?5) What does it tell you about the time, place, circumstances, etc. in which it was written?6) How is it different and/or similar to something comparable written today?There is no required “format” for this short paper; just make sure to proofread for spelling and grammar. This is a college level paper and points will be deducted for sloppy work.The only source or citation you need it of the document you are reporting on.

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