What sort of compensation and benefits package would you ensure is in place to recruit the best candidates for the position?

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Subject: Uncategorized

Herzberg’s Two-Factor TheoryHerzberg’s two-factor theory speaks to issues relevant in both employee compensation and benefits as it discusses why people choose a workplace, as well as what keeps employees satisfied and committed to their work. For more information on Herzberg’s two-factor theory, see the Frederick Herzberg motivational theory (Links to an external site.). Imagine that you are an HR manager in a contemporary firm and answer the following:Who are you trying to recruit to work for you (i.e., your audience)? What sort of compensation and benefits package would you ensure is in place to recruit the best candidates for the position? Your initial post should include at least one scholarly source and one popular source to support your response. For assistance with finding sources, refer to the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document.

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