Explain and illuminate on the “Negro condition” and define how a new racial identity was the goal of most African American writers in Harlem during the twenties.

Words: 181
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

The Harlem Renaissance can be exciting to study because it brings together themes around Civil Rights and racial and economic justice with themes pertaining to the significance of art and literature and the relationship between art, literature, and society.
Explain and illuminate on the “Negro condition” and define how a new racial identity was the goal of most African American writers in Harlem during the twenties. Explain how the works of these writers helped define the African-American and “The New Negro” to the people of America. Consider referencing the works by Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, Zora Neil Huston, Nella Larsen, James Weldon Johnson, or Alain Locke.

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