Discussion question-How does your knowledge of the Bible keep pace with the growing sophistication of the knowledge required by your studies?

DISCUSSION:TENDENCIES ANDBIBLICALINTEGRATIONASSIGNMENT I 1). Self- Reflection. Practice involves self-reflection and checking for bias to ensure your design and topic will withstand robust scrutiny from peers and academics. A strong research effort minimizes bias and presents alternative and opposing perspectives, including issues concerning methodology. Bias creates errors in research and can take the form of systematic … Read more

Describe how interpersonal communication theories explain human interaction.

Write a 1,500-2,250-word (total) paper using APA style: Part I-In 500-750 words, analyze a dark side communication or conflict challenge people experience in the development of relationships, using interpersonal communication theories related to dark side communication and conflict (e.g., deception, verbal aggression, stalking, hurtful messages, betrayal, defensiveness, negative conflict spirals). (C. 1.2) Part II-In 500-750 … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-Consider the reading and viewing material this week, and discuss what you consider to be the core essential beliefs that comprise Christianity.

There are many people and groups who claim to be Christian and yet disagree on any number of things. Yet, Myers and Noebel (2019) in our textbook, Understanding the Times, quote noted atheist Christopher Hitchens as saying, “ would say that if you don’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he rose again … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-What is this movie saying “the good life” looks like? What does it present as the purpose of life?

In a four- to five-page paper, analyze the portrayal of worldviews by evaluating the dialog and actions of the characters. Your paper will be evaluated based upon your ability to identify the worldview(s) depicted in the characters. Be sure to provide specific evidence from the film or the television show that supports your analysis and … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-If you support the Christian worldview, why do you believe, for example, in the existence of God and Jesus as the Christ? What logic supports those essential and fundamental beliefs? 

Throughout this class, we have discussed the concept of worldview and analyzed Christian theism, secular materialism, Marxism, Postmodernism, and pantheism/New Spiritualism as live worldview options in today’s world. In this final paper, you will compare and contrast one of these worldviews with Christian theism, using the “Ten Ways of Looking at the World” you’ve read … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-In what settings or situations might the style you are evaluating work well today?

You are to write a 1,700 word document, double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. In your paper, you will evaluate three (3) current leadership styles in light of 1 and 2 Kings (New King James Bible). Where did you find examples of each of those styles in the text? Where were they effective in the biblical setting? What … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-Choose one tradition and detail the process and steps you would take from receiving the first call to final disposition.

Imagine you are a funeral director who receives a call reporting the passing of a loved one. The caller indicates that their loved one belongs to one of the following religious traditions: Orthodox Jewish, Muslim, or Catholic. Choose one tradition and detail the process and steps you would take from receiving the first call to … Read more

Write an essay paper on News Media and Islamophobia: The Framing of Muslim Communities in Western News Coverage.

The research paper should be approximately 6-18 pages long and utilize 5-7 academic sources on some issues involving topics related to the course. You will be graded on clarity, style, and the use of appropriate evidence to defend a clearly articulated argument. Purely narrative papers- which tell a story rather than analyze an issue- will … Read more

Use the Biblical Counseling Project guideline found in the practical theology method of Christ attachment: produce a number of biblical response papers to be used in personal counseling sessions.

Religious Studies and Theology Use the Biblical Counseling Project guideline found in the practical theology method of Christ attachment: produce a number of biblical response papers to be used in personal counseling sessions. These Bible studies must all integrate theological truths related to the Message of Christ (Soteriology / Work of Christ / Gospel). Each … Read more

Demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible by explaining the overarching narrative of Scripture.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible by explaining the overarching narrative of Scripture. Understanding the big story of the Bible or what some call the biblical metanarrative is foundational to one’s understanding of theology. One way to view Scripture is through the … Read more

Use the Iran section of the readings to review the film Coup 53 and write a 3-4 page essay in times new roman font size 12 double spaced and properly cited using the Chicago Manual of style. T

Use the Iran section of the readings to review the film Coup 53 and write a 3-4 page essay in times new roman font size 12 double spaced and properly cited using the Chicago Manual of style. This should not be a summary, but it can include elements of the film’s main arguments and tenets, … Read more

BMAL – Discussion Thread: Trait and Skills Approaches to Leadership0-Complete the module reading assignment Read: Northouse: Chapters 2 – 3. Then, select 2 concepts concerning the trait and skills approaches to leadership that are of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals

Complete the module reading assignment Read: Northouse: Chapters 2 – 3. Then, select 2 concepts concerning the trait and skills approaches to leadership that are of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals. Submit a thread examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then, use the Merida: Exalting Jesus in … Read more

Prepare a 5-page research paper reviewing your findings on a Biblical Counseling research topic of your choosing.

Prepare a 5-page research paper reviewing your findings on a Biblical Counseling research topic of your choosing. Example topics: Depression, Shame, Anxiety, Anger, Lust, Grief, Worry, Life Dominating Sins (addictions) Outline: Introduction, Thesis Statement, (1) Problem Experience, (2) Biblical Considerations, (3) Speaking the Gospel Example Thesis Statement: “Depression is usually experienced as (key points of … Read more

Reflection article on the State of the Union Address.

Write about the Biden administration’s State of the Union address by taking one side and examining how it affects you as an individual. Discuss the policy, economic accomplishments, what he has done so far, and his future agenda or plan. It has to be an economic-related issue.

How did colonial Americans view disease, health, and healing? What roles did they ascribe to God and man in maintaining health and fighting disease?

Medicine in Colonial America: How did colonial Americans view disease, health, and healing? What roles did they ascribe to God and man in maintaining health and fighting disease? Assess what intellectual exchange existed between the Native practice of medicine and colonial physicians. Analyze colonial policy responding to public health crises like smallpox, yellow fever, influenza, … Read more

How did Jesus effectively include individuals He came into contact with during his life and ministry on earth?

Below is what you need to base your discussion off: Reflect on your growth in this course and your understanding of the concepts surrounding the inclusion of students with disabilities. Considering the principle of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and the concept of “fairness” in the inclusive classroom, reflect on what you have learned in this … Read more

Using two methods to examine one religion For example, using psychology and cultural anthropology to examine Hinduism.

For this assignment, you may work with the following religious traditions: Indigenous religions (focus on one) Hinduism Jainism Buddhism You can also choose from the following “ways/methods of studying religion” Theology and Religious Studies History Psychology Sociology Cultural Anthropology Women’s Studies Biology The essay will be a comparative study. You can choose one of these … Read more

Examine a fictional media representation of regional, social, or ethnic dialects and the characters that use them.

I. Examine a fictional media representation of regional, social, or ethnic dialects and the characters that use them. You may choose a book, film, play, or another piece of work (with prior approval). This brief report will analyze how sociolinguistic factors (race/ethnicity, class, gender, language/language variety, age, etc.) relate to language as depicted through the … Read more

Viewing the Bible for Successful Living.

Watch the video in the article What Happens When The Church Reads The Bible Out Of Context (Part I (new tab)). Read the blog post How to Apply the Bible to Your Life in Four Steps (new tab). Select one of the following passages to study: Deuteronomy 31:1-13 (new tab) Jeremiah 29:1-23 (new tab) Luke … Read more

Discuss the Inauguration of the Kingdom of God in the first coming of Jesus Christ (represented in his life, death, and resurrection) (how Jesus inaugurated the last days Kingdom of God) and the Continuation (the growth and expansion) of the Kingdom of God in the book of Acts.

From your reading in the Gospels, your reading in chapters 11-20 in Strauss, your reading in Acts, and the course videos, discuss the Inauguration of the Kingdom of God in the first coming of Jesus Christ (represented in his life, death, and resurrection) (how Jesus inaugurated the last days Kingdom of God) and the Continuation … Read more

Does hermeneutics provide a meaningful approach to the interpretation of religious texts and beliefs, or is it incompatible with the nature of religious truth?

Prompt Two: Does hermeneutics provide a meaningful approach to the interpretation of religious texts and beliefs, or is it incompatible with the nature of religious truth? How does the use of hermeneutics in theology offer insights into countering relativist and dogmatic interpretations and fostering critical engagement? Instructions: Develop a 5-6 page research-based academic argument that … Read more

Were the Crusades caused primarily by religious devotion or by the desire for political and economic gain?

Assignment Question Pope Urban and his crusades alexios, athe motivation and outcome Were the Crusades caused primarily by religious devotion or by the desire for political and economic gain? Students should follow these directions when writing their Crusades DBQ/Essay: Follow the format outlined in this >>> Crusades DBQ/Essay GuideDownload Crusades DBQ/Essay Guide Be sure to … Read more

Write a 2-page paper where you reflect on the following question: How important do you think ‘appeasing the gods’ has been historically among Mesoamerican cultures? Give artistic/architectural examples.

Assignment Question Short Answer Assignment 2 – Video: Aztec Empire Purpose: The purpose of the Short Answer Assignments is to make you think about the art concepts you have learned in this course, critically analyze the concepts and articulate your thoughts demonstrating your understanding of the concepts. Instructions: Browse You Tube or the Internet to … Read more

Discuss How does the episode of the Golden Calf describe the nature of Israel’s rebellion?

Assignment Question 300 words Review Review Exodus 32 and Deuteronomy 9 alongside this week’s assigned resources. For additional historical and contextual information, review the article Golden Calf (opens in a new window) in Dictionary of Old Testament: Pentateuch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDGonv7guSE Discuss How does the episode of the Golden Calf describe the nature of Israel’s rebellion? How … Read more

What are the benefits or strengths of the Christian worldview as it relates to human value and dignity? Compare the Christian concept of salvation in contrast to any other worldview perspective.

Assignment Question Demonstrate your understanding of the Christian worldview, including the main topics you have covered up to this point. You will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the gospel (nature of God, nature of humanity, nature of Jesus, and restoration) and reflect on implications for the Christian worldview. Write a 1,500-2,000-word essay using … Read more

Can you please explain why Muhammad’s face isn’t painted, give some explanation of the period, place, function, and what the art piece symbolizes? 

Assignment Question Please select an artifact, an object, or a museum piece from the periods covered in our class. Direct your short piece to an educated audience, giving the details of the period, place, function and theme of the chosen piece. You can either visit the Islamic art section at the Metropolitan Museum (MET) in … Read more

When the Local Church Goes Global by Andy Johnson in the form of a Word document below It is acceptable to write in the first person for these book reviews.

Submit your 3–4 page book review on Missions: When the Local Church Goes Global by Andy Johnson in the form of a Word document below It is acceptable to write in the first person for these book reviews. Footnotes are not necessary. Citations from the book being reviewed may be noted in parentheses in the … Read more

What are the consequences of such a relationship? Why is an adulterer despised? What is his lot? Why? How should the church respond to such sin?

Read the chapter carefully. AND answer the following questions one by one. 2. 6:1-5 = What does it mean to put up security for your neighbor or strike hands in pledge for another? Why should we not do this? (Cf. Prov. 11:15; 22:7, 26-27) What is a person lacking when they do this? (Prov. 17:18) … Read more

Holy Spirit’s Impact on the Church

Assignment Question Prompt: The Spirit’s Work In The Church The Spirit has a distinct place in the birth of the church as well as the way the church transforms and the way it functions through its members. Considering this, use scripture to describe how the Spirit takes part in the Church in the New Testament. … Read more

Fire in Maori Spirituality through Mahuika: A Sacred Connection: Research Essay

Assignment Question 1. Should business managers subscribe to the shareholder model or the stakeholder model? If profitability is the business’s objective, is it wrong to make decisions with that objective in mind? Support your view using the articles from the reading. Include the ideas of corporate social responsibility and corporate social justice in your response. … Read more

Significance of Home, Exile, and Wandering in the Book of Genesis Essay

Assignment Question Instructions from Class: Answer one question from each list below for a total of three essays. Each essay should be no less than 700 words and no more than 800 words. For each answer, you must reference three different sources; each text division we have read counts as a source (see complete source … Read more

Write a paper on Interpreting Early Christian Art.

Assignment Question Schenk, Christine. “Interpreting Early Christian Art”, Crispina and Her Sisters : Women and Authority in Early Christianity. Fortress Press, 2017. As you read this survey by Schenk of the earliest Christian art, ask yourself what these early artworks reveal about the important themes and values for the first generations of Christians. What can … Read more

Define and discuss the following topics and terms: Inspiration Verbal Plenary Scripture Inerrancy Infallibility Preservation Canonicity Translation.

Assignment Question define and discuss the following topics and terms: Inspiration Verbal Plenary Scripture Inerrancy Infallibility Preservation Canonicity Translation .best method Each paper will include three sections, wherein the student defines the doctrine, explains the distinctives of the doctrine, and applies how the doctrine affects the student’s life and ministry.  Definition of Bibliology Distinctives of … Read more

Discuss The Significance of Religion in Society.

Assignment Question Religion:  what is its’ significance to the operation of society? Discuss the history of your institution. How did it emerge? How did it come into existence? How do members of society perceive your institution? How do members of the institution perceive itself (its’ own institution)? How has the institution changed over time? What … Read more

Understanding the Doctrine of Scripture in Christianity Essay

Assignment Question 2. Write a two to three (2-3) page essay discussing the doctrine of scripture. Be sure to interact with and define key terminology related to that topic (e.g., inspiration, illumination, infallibility, inerrancy, plenary inspiration, verbal inspiration, canon, creeds and councils). Cite appropriate scripture and define terms. 3. Discuss key contours in Christology (2-4 … Read more

The Power of Meditation in Buddhist Philosophy

Assignment Question Develop and defend a thesis that will engage and examine meditation in Buddhism Answer Introduction Buddhism, one of the world’s major religions, has gained widespread attention in recent years due to its profound teachings and practices. Among its various facets, meditation stands out as a central practice that has captured the interest of … Read more

Explain how Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God is supposed to work and choosing two of Guanilo’s objections to it explain what those objections are and comment critically discuss how effective they are.

Assignment Question 1. Set out as clearly as you can each of the steps in Aristotle’s argument for the existence of an unmoved mover in Metaphysics, 12 and discuss how his account of the nature of God and the relationship of God to the world conflicts with Christian thinking about God. 2. Explain how Anselm’s … Read more

Starting with a brief review of theology, including its definition and importance for the Christian tradition, please discuss the role that theology plays in the Christian faith.

Assignment Question on “What God is Like” and “What God Does” in Christian Theology and “The Doctrine of God in Christian Theology” in Christian Psychotherapy in Context, please will explore the ways in which a deeper knowledge of the doctrine of God (from a Christian perspective) can serve as a Christian-sensitive way to enhance your … Read more

Unlocking the Significance of Jesus’ Resurrection Essay

Assignment Question The Death & Resurrection of Jesus Answer the following questions concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus (must be a min. of 3,000 words): When did Jesus predict his death and resurrection in the Gospels? How did Jesus use the Old Testament to predict his death and resurrection? What brought Jesus into conflict … Read more

Mysteries of Jesus’ Resurrection

Assignment Question The Death & Resurrection of Jesus Answer the following questions concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus: When did Jesus predict his death and resurrection in the Gospels? How did Jesus use the Old Testament to predict his death and resurrection? What brought Jesus into conflict with the scribes and Pharisees, the high … Read more

Discuss Social Justice Counseling and its Integration with Christian Counseling.

Assignment Question social justice counseling, including a 4- point evaluation of each article and whether the resource suits the topical paper. Integrate a Christian perspective with the topic, find resources that discuss or inform how the technique/strategy/model/idea/concept fits within a Christian counseling approach or how Christian counselors can apply the technique/strategy/ model/idea/concept in their work … Read more

Evolution of Ancient Indian Culture: From Harappa to Buddhism Essay


Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Case Study

Assignment Question Review the following ethical dilemmas: John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that he will not be able to love a child that is adopted or not connected directly to him biologically. He will be making … Read more

Choose three (one per body paragraph) of these texts and explain how the human characters are affected by interference from gods or goddesses.

Assignment Question Write a THREE-page essay (the works cited page does not count as one of your pages) answering one of the following prompts. Prompts: 1. In each of the larger texts we have read so far, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, Oedipus, The Aeneid, and The Metamorphoses, we have seen ancient people interacting … Read more

Evolution of Religious Affiliation: A Personal Journey Essay

Introduction Religion has always played a significant role in shaping individuals’ beliefs, values, and worldviews. This essay explores my personal journey in terms of religious affiliation, starting with my religious upbringing and tracing my path to where I currently stand in relation to faith traditions. From childhood experiences to adult choices, this reflective piece will … Read more

Christian World View in Auditing Case Study

Introduction This paper delves into a case analysis of the University of the Cumberlands, a faith-based educational institution, in the context of contemporary auditing practices. The case selected from the Knapp casebooks, “Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases,” highlights the ethical dilemmas faced by auditors and clients within the framework of a Christian World View. … Read more

Understanding Community and Church Context in Modern Ministry.

There is Chapter 2: Community and Church (Organization) Context (20-25 pages). Chapter 3: Theological Perspective (30-40 pages). Chapter 4: Literature Review (25 pages) in the South University Department of Theology Doctor of Ministry Final Project Handbook. rev. August 2021. Understanding Community and Church Context in Modern Ministry Abstract In the realm of ministry and theology, … Read more

What is the significance of God’s promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:12-17 for the biblical storyline as a whole?

The Significance of God’s Promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:12-17 for the Biblical Storyline Introduction The Bible, as a collection of diverse literary works, presents a coherent narrative thread that revolves around the themes of God’s redemptive plan and his covenantal promises to humanity. One of the pivotal moments in the biblical storyline is … Read more

Discuss Theological Themes and Insights from 2 Timothy, 1 Corinthians 1-2, and Psalm 19.

Theological Themes and Insights from 2 Timothy, 1 Corinthians 1-2, and Psalm 19 Introduction The Bible is a collection of diverse texts that span different historical, cultural, and literary contexts, offering a rich tapestry of theological insights and moral teachings. Among these texts, 2 Timothy, 1 Corinthians 1-2, and Psalm 19 stand out as passages … Read more

The Importance of Preparation in Accurate Interpretation Essay

Introduction Preparation is a fundamental aspect of any endeavor, ensuring that individuals possess the necessary information, skills, and context to successfully engage in a given activity. This holds true for the intricate task of interpreting the Bible, a text that spans various historical periods, cultural contexts, and languages. To effectively grasp the Bible’s profound truths … Read more

in 1 Corinthians 1-2, what role does the Holy Spirit play in interpreting the word of God?

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Interpreting the Word of God: An Analysis of 1 Corinthians 1-2 Introduction The interpretation of the Word of God holds immense significance in Christian theology and practice. Understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in this process is essential for believers seeking to gain deeper insights into the … Read more

How did the Israelites understand the concept of history, and how did this understanding differ from that of Israel’s neighbors?

The Israelite Concept of History: A Comparative Analysis with Neighboring Societies Introduction The understanding of history is a multifaceted concept that varies across different cultures and civilizations. The Israelites, a significant ancient community, held a distinct perspective on history that was shaped by their religious beliefs, cultural heritage, and interactions with neighboring societies. This essay … Read more

Repositioned for the next Elaborate on three points 1. NOW 2. NEW 3. NEXT Scripture: Gen 12:1-4. Abraham repositioned himself for the next level and became father of nations.

In the realm of spiritual teachings, the act of repositioning holds a profound significance. It signifies a conscious shift in perspective, behavior, and location, often driven by divine guidance or an internal revelation. Such repositioning can lead individuals and communities towards a new phase of growth, purpose, and fulfillment. The scriptural reference to Genesis 12:1-4, … Read more

How does the decline of parole in modern correctional programs align with a Biblical perspective on rehabilitation and accountability?

Introduction The concept of parole, once hailed as a progressive approach to offender rehabilitation and reintegration into society, has witnessed a decline in favor within many correctional programs. This shift can be attributed to a complex interplay of historical developments, ideological shifts, and a reconsideration of the role of rehabilitation in modern criminal justice systems. … Read more