Write an essay for global perspectives AS, that creates a debate and shows 2 contrasting perspectives and my own perspective on the following question: What is the impact of political resistance in democratic societies? please create a debate between to main topics inside this question, all sources have to from 2020 onwards, give 2 different perspectives inside the question and then my own perspective. For example this can help understand what I’m looking for better. Essay 40 Marks You will write a 1750–2000 word essay based on a global issue of your own choice arising from topics studied during the course. You must choose an essay title that is a single question. Your choice of essay question must provide opportunities to develop globally contrasting perspectives.
You will devise your own title question that addresses an issue that arises from one of the topics you have studied. The essay should be between 1750–2000 words. In the essay you will demonstrate AO1, AO2 and AO3 skills. You will need to devise a question that sets up a debate between two contrasting perspectives. Your essay should be informed by varied research using sources that are globally diverse. You should make links between your source materials to build two coherent perspectives. The implications of your question should be considered with reference to a globally diverse range of locations. You must critically evaluate your source material and justify its appropriateness but also recognise any weaknesses it may contain. After critically evaluating both perspectives presented you should present a conclusion that follows on logically from the debate presented. Your essay should be clearly communicated and well-structured and all sources used should be clearly cited and referenced in a bibliography.
Your response should be balanced and each perspective treated fairly and evenly. You should reflect on the work carried out and how engaging with contrasting perspectives has shaped your viewpoint. Finally, you should make a specific suggestion for further research that is relevant to the essay presented. The following is what AO1,AO2,AO3: identify and analyse arguments, evidence and perspectives synthesise and evaluate arguments, evidence and perspectives locate through research a range of appropriate sources and perspectives use research to support judgements about arguments and perspectives AO1 Research, analysis and evaluation • • • • Find a diverse range of relevant research material. Through analysis identify key arguments and evidence. Make judgements about the quality and appropriateness of research material. Make links between source materials to develop broad and coherent perspectives. Conclusions and solutions should be supported by the research materials selected. AO2 Reflection • • • acknowledge different perspectives and evaluate their impact on the learner’s own standpoint consider the extent and limits of the learning and research that has been undertaken reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of collaboration with others Reflect upon
how your viewpoint has been impacted by engaging with different perspectives. Reflect upon what you have learned, this could be knowledge or skills. Reflect upon the limitations of your research and consider
how it might be improved or further developed. Reflect upon the process of working as a team, considering what worked well and what aspects could have been improved. AO3 Communication • • • produce structured, written arguments using appropriate terms and referencing where applicable produce a structured presentation using language appropriate for the audience communicate information visually in order to engage an audience Organise essays and longer examination responses in a logical and balanced manner. Write a conclusion that reaches a supported judgement.
Ensure that your presentation is well-organised and that it clearly communicates the argument you are presenting. The combination of oral and visual elements should complement one another and engage the audience rather than confuse. No copying from the sources is allowed