Identify the problem, the stance you will take on the issue, and the solution you will argue toward. Check responses to your initial post carefully. If your topic proposal will not work for our essay type (as defined in lectures)

Words: 196
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

In the Discussion Forum, post the argumentative topic you intend to address in the argumentative research essay. Remember, we’re not writing opinion or awareness essays. Your topic must strive for impact by focusing on a change in law: adding a new law, changing an existing law, or removing an existing law (from Week 1 lecture notes).

Identify the problem, the stance you will take on the issue, and the solution you will argue toward. Check responses to your initial post carefully. If your topic proposal will not work for our essay type (as defined in lectures)

You must post an initial response and respond to at least two of your peers. Each of your posts must range between 100-200 words.

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