Write 5 paragraphs in which you discuss which SDGs will guide your city plan, features, and development.

Words: 518
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

This paper combines many things you have learned throughout this course. Your goal is to describe an ideal but realistic sustainable neighborhood or city that you would like to see in the future. This paper is a chance to voice your personal opinion about what a truly sustainable city should look like; however, your opinion must be supported by reputable evidence and should include concepts discussed in class.


Write a paper of 1750 to 2000 words in which you describe your ideal hypothetical sustainable city.This is unrelated to your assigned city from your group discussions. You can pick any region and/or climate type you want. Follow the structure and details listed below, and use headers to identify each of the 4 sections.


In one paragraph, explain your overall philosophy or vision for your city. Make sure to specify the geographic region/climate conditions for your ideal community – a place you would especially like to live in, and that is sustainable (in whatever way you want to define the term).
Your introduction should be approximately 150 words.

Write 5 paragraphs in which you discuss which SDGs will guide your city plan, features, and development.

Pick 5 Sustainable Development Goals your ideal city is working towards to.
At least two choses SDGs should be related to the social aspects of sustainability (i.e. no poverty, quality education, gender equality…)
Explain why the 5 SDGs you selected are important in order for a city to be sustainable.
How can these SGDs guide the development and growth of your ideal city?
Each paragraph should be approximately 150 words.


Write as many well-organized paragraphs as appropriate to describe some of the features or answer some of the questions below.
How is this place laid out in terms of streets, buildings, public spaces, parks, homes, workplaces, and shopping areas?
What planning strategies influenced your vision of a sustainable urban fabric (Buildings, Transportation, Green Infrastructure). How do the chosen strategies support your vision?
How does your city reduce social and environmental equity issues?
How does your vision work towards the chosen SDGs and to overall sustainability of your city/neighborhood?
This section should be approximately 750 words.


Write one paragraph in which you explain how your envisioned city/neighborhood can be achieved in the near future. Is this actually realistic? If so, what would be required to achieve it? If not, why not?
Your conclusion should be approximately 150 words.
Feel free to use GIS, photos, maps, or other creative visual images or techniques to illustrate your point.
Support your paper with at least four reputable sources, but only one can be the textbook.

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