Memo paper

Words: 263
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Answer the following questions after reading Chapter 10 of Ritzer, George, and Jeffrey Stepnisky. 2022. Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics, 6th edition You need to write at least a substantial paragraph for each question. Please use proper citations when needed.


Discuss the differences between a modern society and a postmodern one.

What do you think are some positive and negative characteristics of living in a postmodern society compared to a modern one?

Do you feel liberated or insecure about the fact there is no overarching ethical code in a postmodern society?

Are you enchanted by the new means of consumption or do you want the face-to-face interaction provided by older means of consumption?

Are speed and technology a convenience or a burden?

Michel Foucault identifies three instruments of control and observation of the population. Identify and describe each of these and give examples of each.

Define queer theory (use and explain concepts from your reading). Explain how queer theorists would react to the dating services such as OK Cupid and Tinder, which offer a wide variety of ways to self-categorize gender and sexual identity?

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