Write a research paper that addresses the topic of identifying theoretical or conceptual material that appears to be useful.

Words: 213
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a research paper that addresses the topic of identifying theoretical or conceptual material that appears to be useful.

Appraise why you think this article is potentially relevant to your proposed dissertation project.

Distinguish what theoretical or conceptual information is included that seems like it could be beneficial.

Establish what research findings are discussed in this article if it is a report of original research. Note that not all published journal articles are reports of original research, but if the article reviews information about previous studies published in this topic area, articulate how this could still be useful to you.

Articulate the conclusions that the author of this article presented that are related to your potential dissertation topic.

Elaborate on what you learned from engaging in this process of reviewing and writing about a peer-reviewed journal article.

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