Create a wholeness-centered plan for self-care that includes intentionality in each of the areas of biological, psychological, social health, spiritual health, plus environmental responsibility.

Words: 184
Pages: 1
Subject: Professional Writing Service

Create a wholeness-centered plan for self-care that includes intentionality in each of the areas of biological, psychological, social health, spiritual health, plus environmental responsibility. Design this plan for yourself or someone that you sense might be interested in growing their wellness/wholeness practices. Report below in 200-300 words.


At least 5 areas (biological(physical), psychological(mental health), social, spiritual, and environmental)
At least one action/practice for each of the 5 areas and describe:
What you will do, and when, or how often you will do it
What you hope to gain in each of the 5 areas
Share your plan with at least 1 other person (who will that be?)

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