Create a human services system.

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Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment


Complete the following:Create a human services system.What problems/needs would be served?Why did you choose these problems? What are the implications for problems that you opted to omit? Who is likely to be impacted?How would it be funded?How would it be organized?Analyze multidisciplinary collaboration, supported with citations.How would multidisciplinary collaboration be cultivated?Describe the necessary attributes of human services professionals within the system.

What different attributes might be important based on various roles, including direct service providers and leaders?Support with citations.Identify strategies to ensure DEI is addressed.How would different problems in living be addressed?How would different populations’ unique needs be considered?How would equitable access be ensured?How would ethical issues be handled?Support with citations.Explain how data-driven decision making would be incorporated in organizing or running the system.How would program evaluations be incorporated?What other types of data are necessary to make decisions beyond understanding program functioning?

References must be from course materials, academic journals, or professional web sites such as the CDC, SAMHSA, NIAAA, NOHS, NASW, APA or ACA. Do not use general non-academic web sites as references.

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