Write a paper outlining how farnesol affects bacterial quorum sensing and biofilm formation.

Words: 303
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a paper outlining how farnesol affects bacterial quorum sensing and biofilm formation.I attached the CORRECTED file. USE THIS FOR THE FUTURE WORKS!!!!!I made several significant corrections.

Also I updated the results. I put comments on the parts need further work/corrections.Your tasks:1) You must supplement the “1. Summary” section, see the comment in the file.2) You must correct the discussion part (end of the part “5. Result and discussion”). Most of the literatures cited are not relevant, do not contain data on farnesol activity. It is no problem itself, the problem is that you wrote that these papers contain data on farnesol effect. See my comments, and correct this part thoroughly.3) You must fill the “6. Conclusions” section as well. One page enough, see my comment near this part.4) Check again the reference list. In text citations must be listed there, and vice versa, the reference list must have no contain reference that does not mentioned in the text. In addition, the format of each reference in the reference lust must be uniform! The minimum requirement for the length of MSc thesis is 30 pages, now, it is 32. Keep this page number!!! USE THE TRACK CHANGES FUNCTION OF THE MS WORD IF YOU MODIFY AND INSERT SOMETHING!!!!! Then I can see your modifications. I will reject it if you don’t use this function.

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