Write an argumentative philosophy paper that has the following structure: Be sure to include a cover page for your revision as this is a requirement of Chicago/Turabian.

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Pages: 4
Subject: Do My assignment

This term paper needs to be edited according to the comments from the professor on the attached term paper and in this bio. I have also attached the following reading material and chapters to this assignment. The comments that the professor made are in red on the right of each page.
Here are the references:
-What It Means To Be Human, O.Carter Snead
-The Way Of Medicine, Farr Curlin and Christopher Tollefsen
Write an argumentative philosophy paper that has the following structure:
Be sure to include a cover page for your revision as this is a requirement of Chicago/Turabian.
Be sure to include bolded section headers throughout your paper, e.g., Issue/Thesis/Methodology, Positions on the Issue, Support for Your Position, etc.
Be sure to observe the word approximations of each section relative to the word maximum of the paper. For example, the first section on Issue/Thesis/Methodology should only be about 500 words total, which is about 1/8 of your paper.
Be sure that your introduction of the topic or issue is brief and non-evaluative or argumentative. Remember, the introduction should not be advancing arguments for positions yet; save that for later. This part should simply provide a very basic answer to the question of “What topic will this paper be addressing?”
Remember that this is an argumentative philosophy paper.

This means you have to pick a position on the topic at hand and defend it with good and persuasive arguments, so no fence riding! The position that you will defend in the paper should be very clearly stated in your thesis in the form of, e.g., “In this paper, I will argue that [PAS, abortion, etc.] is [sometimes/always/never] morally permissible.” If your thesis is that you think the topic at hand is never or always morally permissible, then you don’t need to elaborate further. But if your thesis is that you think the topic at hand is sometimes morally permissible, then make sure you specify under which conditions you think that it is morally permissible without advancing arguments for that position.
The methodology statement should simply explain the way in which you will henceforth structure your paper and defend your thesis, e.g., “In the next section, I will outline the two major views that stand against the view I will defend in the section that comes after” Just make sure you explain the method of your whole paper.
In the “Positions on the Issue” section, you should try to merely overview and describe the other two or three other positions on the issue that are not your own without advancing some long, substantive defense of them. But remember, this section is only 1/8 to 1/4 of your total paper. So, if you’re defending the view that abortion is sometimes morally permissible, then this section should briefly overview the “never morally permissible” and “always morally permissible” views and the basic arguments people give in support of them. However, you might also consider here some of the other major versions of the “sometimes morally permissible” view that are not your own. For example, you might think abortion is only sometimes morally permissible in the instances when the mother’s life is in danger in light of the doctrine of double effect. In this section, then, you might look at the “never” and ‘always” views, but also other “sometimes” views that are quite common—e.g., perhaps in the instance of rape. Finally, remember that this section is not argumentative; it’s merely descriptive. Your job, therefore, is to give a lay of the land concerning the range or spectrum of positions on the issue that are not your own. Save the argumentative stuff for the next section.
The “Support for Your Position” section is by far the most important. This section should be the longest section of your paper at 1/4 to 3/8 of its total. Here, your job is to advance the strongest arguments you can muster in favor of the position you advance in your thesis. Remember that these arguments should be arguments in favor of your position, so save your critiques against other positions until the next section.
The “Objections to Your Position” section should be 1/8 to 1/4 of your paper—so about the same length as the “Positions on the Issue” section. Here, you should consider two of the strongest objections against your position and thoughtfully offer critique of these objections. Importantly, make sure these objections are not caricatures or silly objections that are easily defeasible. Instead, consider the strongest objections against your position and offer a meaningful response. Sometimes, students may find that they want to rewrite their papers or revise their theses after thoughtfully considering objections against their position as they find them persuasive! That is normal, so don’t sweat; it’s actually a sign of intellectual virtue being open to contrary evidence.
Remember that undergrads cannot utilize any outside sources beyond the course textbooks without instructor approval.
When working through your paper, I expect you to discuss the most important and relevant material from the readings on the topic at hand. For example, if your paper is on abortion, then your paper had better include a robust discussion on the metaphysical and moral status of the embryo or fetus (B&C chapter 3; George and Tollefsen chapters 6 and 7) and what that means to the debate.
Term papers should include all four of the sections outlined above. The format of the term paper should also have the following elements:
1.5 spacing, one-inch margins, size 12 font in Times New Roman, a title page, a bibliography page, and Chicago/Turabian citations with footnotes. A helpful link for this methodology: [https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/turabian/turabian-notes-and-bibliography-citation-quick-guide.htmlLinks to an external site.]
The term paper cannot utilize any outside sources.

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