Discuss your answer with examples illustrating that clarify your argument.

Words: 271
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

SOC 100, Exam 2
For each of the following prompts, provide an essay-style answer that reveals your (not the textbook’s or other source’s) understanding of the subject matter in question. Be thorough and provide detail. Discuss your answer with examples illustrating that clarify your argument. Cite any sources that you use to support your argument.
The responses must be posted to the exam assignment in Canvas by 11:59pm on 5/13.
For each of the following prompts, provide an essay-style answer that reveals your (not the textbook’s or other source’s) understanding of the subject matter in question. Be thorough and provide detail. Discuss your answer with examples illustrating that clarify your argument. Cite any sources that you use to support your argument.

The textbook describes power as occurring along three different dimensions. For each dimension, discuss how power works and provide an example illustrating that process.
What is the function of the institution of education? What evidence exists that education is not functioning equally for different categoric units?
What are push and pull factors as they relate to immigration? What is assimilation? What factors help gauge how well an immigrant has assimilated?

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