What are the elements of operational art?

Words: 469
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Read Army Design Methodology. Review ATP 5-0.1. Review TR1-11. Review AR 25-50. Read Information Paper Assignment Instructions.
You are simply writing facts. That being said, this assignment is not an APA style paper so don’t structure this paper as an essay; no in-text citations, no reference page. Do not be concerned with plagiarism with this assignment so it is ok to extract information verbatim from resources.

Build your paper from scratch (Sterile Word document). Do not use a formatted template.

Ensure you format your Word document like the essay assignment such as the line spacing Before and After; make sure it is set to “0” (zero) for both. Only difference is to set it to single, not double-space. If not, your line spacing will be incorrect for the entire paper.

Spacing after periods/punctuation: AR 25-50 calls for one space, TR 1-11 calls for two spaces. Either is acceptable but it must be consistent.

The center of the paper is at 3.25!

You will have to refer to AR 25-50 for formatting guidelines. Don’t just look at the example in TR 1-11 and “guesstimate” the formatting.

For transparency, the only software tool we use to check for errors and passive voice is via Word. Refer back to the Writing Fundamentals link. There is another error software check tool out there commonly known as Grammarly but we don’t use this because not all students have access or an account to it. Also, there are minor differences or nuances between Word and Grammarly, particularly with passive voice. You should have 0 (zero) passive voice.

Learn from the resources provided to you such as the video and PowerPoint, especially ATP 5-0.1 when answering the question in the assignment instructions. Don’t just throw “fluff” in the content of the paper.

An Information Paper is used to provide the reader pertinent facts in a clear and concise format. IAW TRADOC Regulation 1-11 write an Information Paper.
During ADM, commanders and their staffs use a set of intellectual tools known as the elements of operational art. Commanders and staffs apply these elements to understand an operational environment and problems and to visualize and describe an operational approach.
In your Information Paper, answer:
What are the elements of operational art?
Resource Requirements
Army Design Methodology Lesson
ATP 5-0.1
TRADOC Regulation (TR) 1-11, Chapter 3-6
AR 25-50

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