Describe the psychological assessment tool, including the construct(s) it measures, the type of scale(s) it employs, and item type(s).

Words: 231
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Clinical, Counseling, and Neuropsychological Assessment

After completing the assigned readings, choose a psychological assessment tool discussed in the readings to study in more detail. You can choose from any of the interviews, psychological tests, or other psychological assessment tools mentioned in the assigned readings or a related measure. Visit the Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print database in the Purdue Global Library, and search for the psychological test or interview.

Use the information provided in the database, along with other academic sources, to describe the measure.

Be sure to address the following in your Discussion Board post:

Identify the psychological assessment tool you studied.
Describe the psychological assessment tool, including the construct(s) it measures, the type of scale(s) it employs, and item type(s).
Summarize the validity and reliability evidence available for the psychological assessment tool.
Give an example of how a practitioner might use this tool in practice.

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