In what ways does it oppose, resist, subvert, or question the Enlightenment worldview?

Words: 192
Pages: 1
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“In American literature, there are basically two different versions of The American Dream. The
first is a vision of America as the land of capitalistic opportunity and material success. The other
dream sees America as a place of spiritual self-realization.” Do you agree, partially agree, or
disagree with the above statement? Using examples from any of the authors whom we read this
semester (Columbus and Bradford to Franklin and Foster or Brown) to support your ideas, write a
brief essay discussing this statement. You may attack or defend the above thesis.
2. Early America seems to have been a rather culturally diverse place, though the Founding
Fathers were generally white, male, and propertied. In what ways do the texts of African writers
(Equiano, Wheatley, etc.) or Native peoples (Occom, Killbuck, etc.) or women (Murray, Adams,
etc.) differ from the writings of the white men who are most often associated with the founding of
America (Franklin, Jefferson, etc.)? Write a short essay that compares and contrasts the ideas and
texts of the Founding Fathers with the ideas and texts of one of the three groups noted above
(women, Native peoples, or African Americans).
3. Using references to texts we’ve studied to illustrate your ideas, describe what you think are the
main features of the American Enlightenment. Then select a text from this era that seems to
challenge Enlightenment thinking. In what ways does it oppose, resist, subvert, or question the
Enlightenment worldview?

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