Briefly describe the eating disorder and the DSM-V formulation of the eating disorder.

Words: 174
Pages: 1
Subject: Essay writing help

l) Briefly describe the eating disorder and the DSM-V
formulation of the eating disorder.
2) Review the behavioral and
cognitive/behavioral literature on the assessment and
treatment of the selected
disorder as described in article, “eating Disorders
A Transdiagnostic Protocol”
3) Critically review the case presented in “eating Disorders
A Transdiagnostic Protocol” and evaluate the utility of the CBT approach for this
4) Bring in where relevant gender, class,
ethnicity, race, etc. -social context of this CBT
approach to the selected
disorder (Use Hays, P. & Iwamasa, G. (2018) Culturally Responsive Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Assessment, Practice, and Supervision, 2nd Edition. for the

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