How do you identify and innovate educational programs, offerings, and services to meet requirements of your students stakeholders, and market segments?

Words: 580
Pages: 3
Subject: Business

I will attach my paper already written I need the two following assignments to add with my paper. Please *highlight* the organizational profile from my paper. See item 4. Print the FitBits Organizational Profile. Highlight the sections you used in your report and put a number indicating the location of your factor in the document. For example, highlight your first factor in the Organizational Environment and write the Number 1 beside that section. Then, highlight the second factor and put the Number 2 beside that factor. (See this example.) Download (See this example.) Scan the entire highlighted document into one file using your phone and a program such as Cam Scanner. Place your highlighted pdf document in this dropbox. On the next paper please do as follows: Procedure: 1. Review the definitions for Approach, Deployment, Learning, and Integration from the definition sheet. Review the example below that demonstrates these definitions for a process that ensures ethical treatment of customers. ———– Evidence of an Approach to ensuring Ethical Treatment of Customers: Training in Ethics is incorporated into employee orientation. Evidence of Deployment: Every new employee is required to participate in ethical training. Evidence of Learning: The organization added ethics to the training program after results of customer surveys indicated that improvement could be made in the ethical treatment of customers. Evidence of Integration: The mission statement incorporates the ethical position of the company and action plans for each department are established for improving customers’ expectations of ethical treatment. 2. Identify a Customer and Market Focus process described in the case that is aligned with the criteria requirements. Here’s the procedure you should use. Read the Criteria requirements for Customer and Market Focus.Read the Customer and Market Focus section of the BCS case.Identify processes in the BCS Case that are aligned with CriteriaYou should identify one Customer and Market Focus process aligned with the criteria before 11:59 p.m. CST on April 14. Your comment should identify the criteria, process, and key factor. 3. Explicitly identify the criteria, process, and key factor. Here’s an example of how you will present your findings. Criteria: 3.1 a. (1) How do you identify and innovate educational programs, offerings, and services to meet requirements of your students stakeholders, and market segments? Process: The organization has a student/stakeholder requirement identification process which includes annual on-site and online focus groups. Key Factor: Five key stakeholder groups (in addition to students): BR, feeder schools, employers and graduate schools, alumni and donors, and the community. Approach: The organization has a process for identifying and innovating educational programs. Deployment: The focus groups include a broad range of stakeholders. Learning: Through this process NCON identified the need for alternative instructional delivery methods. Integration: Results are reviewed by Academic Affairs and the Curriculum Committee. 4. Print the case document. Highlight the information used for your report and indicate whether it is used for the Approach comment, the Deployment comment, the Learning comment, or the Integration comment. Scan the entire highlighted document into one file using your phone and a program such as Cam Scanner.

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