Describe Intercultural curiosity.

Words: 221
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

After reading the chapter and watching the video please also engage with the following surveys:
The Harvard Implicit Bias SurveyLinks. to an external site., select “take a test from the menu at the top. You’ll need to consent at the bottom before you get the survey choices – take 3-5 that interest you.
The Test Your Intercultural Competence SurveyLinks to an external site.
Discuss the ideas and principles you found most valuable this week. Please remember to post your first post by Thursday. First, write your post and then respond to five classmates. Your post must be at least 250 words and your replies must be meaningful. (See rubric in the upper right-hand corner for full points break down for discussions) To receive full credit all posts must be completed by Sunday Night. As discussions count as your class participation they may not be made up

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