Write a research report on why this one was the best or worst in terms of presenting and visualising results.

Words: 206
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a research report on why this one was the best or worst in terms of presenting and visualising results.

For this assignment, we want to think critically about how others have presented their results. For this assignment, use two academic journal articles from those you’ve pulled for your final project. Pick the best one and the worst one when it comes to presenting and visualizing the results.

Answer these questions:

1) Why was this one the best/worst as far as presenting and visualizing results?
2) Name at least 3 things you would change (if it is the worst) or 3 things you could incorporate into your 6050 project (if it was the best).

Please use the two academic journals I picked from my literature review. The document is attached.

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