Write an opinion piece on Vigilantism and the Pros/Cons of Vigilante Justice.

Words: 212
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

To write an opinion piece on Vigilantism and the Pros/Cons of Vigilante Justice. It must include the following:

– A BRIEF and unbiased summary of each of the four cases listed below (3-4 Sentences each AT MOST)
– Your personal opinions/where you stand on each case (do you agree or disagree with the use of vigilante justice in each case? Why or why not?), your opinions on Vigilantism and the Pros/Cons of Vigilante Justice as a whole, and a substantive and thorough defense of your opinions with the use of SPECIFIC EXAMPLES
– A mature/balanced counterpoint to each of the four cases listed below in order to truly view each case from both sides
1.) The Extradition & Trial of Adolf Eichmann
2.) The Trial of Bernie Goetz
3.) “The Ox-Bow Incident” Film
4.) And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
– 4-5 FULL Pages in length
– Proofreading, college-level grammar, sentence structure, and writing style
– A hardcopy of the paper is due in class on Tuesday, April 2nd

NOTE: You do NOT have to cite my PowerPoints OR the movie, but please make sure to cite And Then There Were None (i.e. (Christie, 46.)). Outside research for this paper is NOT required, however, if you choose to use outside sources, please make sure to include a bibliography and in-text citations.

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