Would there be a noticeable difference in the progression of science between S1 and S2? Explain what differences we might expect to see.

Words: 197
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

1. In the first chapter of Module 3: Annotation Packet, Godfrey-Smith outlines Kuhn’s paradigms and periods of normal science. One over-arching theme of the chapter concerns whether Kuhn is engaged in a descriptive project (where he is trying to describe how science historically has progressed) or instead a normative project (where he is saying how science should progress). Let’s assume that Kuhn and Popper are engaged in normative projects. Further, let’s assume one group of scientists (S1) acts in accordance with Kuhn’s account, while another group of scientists (S2) acts in accordance with Popper’s account.
Would there be a noticeable difference in the progression of science between S1 and S2? Explain what differences we might expect to see.

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