Considering the conflict between individualism and the common good, write a 1000-word (minimum) essay in which you discuss your agreement .

Words: 254
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Considering the conflict between individualism and the common good, write a 1000-word (minimum) essay in
which you discuss your agreement with one of these statements (ONE of these statements should be used as
the thesis statement for your essay):
A. If a person is given the liberty and opportunity to develop as an individual, the quality of his or her life will
improve, and he or she can make a positive contribution to society.
B. If each person were to focus on taking care of others, the quality of life would improve for everyone. This is
true even in instances where personal liberty or opportunity is impeded.
You are required to use at least two outside sources in your essay. One source is provided for you, but you will
need to locate one other source either on the internet or through the library databases. You may also use your
own personal experiences in this essay. When you summarize, paraphrase or quote information, you must
accurately identify the source and include appropriate parenthetical documentation (this means in-text

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