For this assignment, pretend that the (fictional) Book of Wisdom and Knowledge has been stolen from your university’s library by an unknown person or group of people.

Words: 233
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

For this assignment, pretend that the (fictional) Book of Wisdom and Knowledge has been stolen from your university’s library by an unknown person or group of people. Your faculty and classmates have chosen you to find this item and bring it back to your community. However, no true hero works alone, and you must select four others to accompany you on your journey. Your companions will be chosen from characters found in the three epics we have read together so far this semester: Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey.
In this essay, you are to clearly identify the four characters that compose the rest of your team and explain why each one was selected. Support your arguments with evidence from the texts (including quotations). Consider each character’s strengths and weaknesses, both individually and as a member of the team. NOTE: Any character in these epics may be chosen, not just the main characters.
7-9 Paragraphs

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