What is the apology’s rhetorical analysis, please describe in a research paper.

Words: 241
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

What is the apology’s rhetorical analysis, please describe in a research paper.
Analyze a public apology and produce an essay of 1,200-1,500 words as a means of research organization and presentation of findings.

In this essay, which you began in the last short assignment, you are asked to write a rhetorical analysis of a public apology.

To receive full (100%) credit:

The project must meet the word count and include…

• logical arrangement and organization that serves the purpose of an analysis;

• full and judicious use of 5+ terms of this course applied correctly and in a way that evidences understanding;

• an analysis that is fully formed (use pp99 to guide your work);

• writing that is academic, analytical, and organized;

• formatting of work and citations in a standard MLA format (1″ margins, 12pt Times New Roman, double-spaced, titled, and a citations page).
Attached is what I have written so far with some ideas I had for the areas to cover and it includes the actual ‘apology to analyze’

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