Discuss the application, benefits, and challenges of the MoSCoW and PESTEL methodologies in organizational settings.

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Please see the following instructions and use my attached template to create the post. Here is the instruction:
MoSCoW and PESTEL Analysis within an Organization
the application, benefits, and challenges of the MoSCoW and PESTEL
methodologies in organizational settings. Organizations frequently use
strategic tools to prioritize tasks or assess their external
environment. Two such frameworks are the MoSCoW method and the PESTEL

MoSCoW Method
Review the MoSCoW handout
Download handout
Describe a scenario within an organizational context where the MoSCoW method could be beneficial.
What tasks or requirements would you put under ‘Must have’, ‘Should have’, ‘Could have’, and ‘Won’t have’?
Provide a rationale for your decisions.
Support your primary post and responses with evidence, personal experiences, or reputable sources.
Cite any external sources using APA references and in-text citations.
Review the required reading materials.

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