Why did I choose digital marketing as the topic of this paper? How fast does it evolving and why? What are the main golas of this paper? How the paper will look like what is the structure if this paper?

I will have to do a consultation about this essay with a teacher about 3 times. Frist i will need just a 2 pages long draft of the paper and I will need the 6000 word long essay. After the condultation I will also can help with the details of the paper. The length of the Project should be 6,000 +/- 10% words (excluding Table of Contents, References, and any Appendices). The assessment of a Project that is longer or shorter than prescribed will be subject to individual consideration.

LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction (approx. 600 words) Main debate1 a. Support1 b. Counter-argument1 Main debate2… a. Support2… b. Counter-argument2…Conclusion (approx. 600 words) References Fist s 2 pages long draft

Why did I choose digital marketing as the topic of this paper?

How fast does it evolving and why?

What are the main golas of this paper?

How the paper will look like what is the structure if this paper?

Choose 3 main ponts of this paper – Social Madia marketing – Trancking and masuring social media effectivenes – Content markeing.

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