Anatomy and Physiology II- LS 6000
Case Study Applications: Integration of Anatomy and Physiology Case Analysis
Read the following 7 case studies on different body organs systems carefully. After having clear understanding about those case studies, you must answer the five questions for each case mentioned in the Answer Sheet regarding the identification of the body organ/system related to that case study with their location and functions.
You have to type the answers in a separate page and upload it through CANVAS.
Case 1. The patient has Type II diabetes mellitus that has been uncontrolled and so she has been on insulin for several months. She has diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy.
Case 2. This patient was admitted with shortness of breath and chest pain. The patient gave a history of adenocarcinoma of colon five years ago, without recurrent disease in the resected colon. A chest X-ray revealed large pleural effusion. A thoracentesis was performed to remove a large amount of fluid. The patient’s breathing and chest pain improved following the thoracentesis. Cytology revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura. The patient was seen by an oncology consultant, who felt the patient was a candidate for chemotherapy. Initial treatment of 5FU, Methotrexate, and Cytoxan was given. The patient was discharged with a diagnosis of pleural effusion due to metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pleura.
Case 3. A 65-year-old man was in an automobile accident in which he suffered a concussion. Soon after he was released, he noticed what he described as a “gray spot” in his field of vision. At first he ignored it, thinking it would go away, but the spot seemed to darken and spread over his visual field. He didn’t report any pain with the problem. On calling his physician, he was advised to go to the nearest hospital immediately. A detached retina was diagnosed.
Case 4. This elderly patient has been treated for hypertension for many years. He has had progressive worsening of kidney function with chronic renal failure. He was brought to the ER
and admitted in acute renal failure.
Case 5. This patient was admitted to the hospital in acute urinary retention. A TURP was performed, and the diagnosis made of benign prostatic hypertrophy of the prostate. The pathology report revealed BPH with microscopic foci of carcinoma of the prostate, which was documented by the physician.
Case 6. PM is a 15-year-old young woman who had her menstrual period at age 11. Recently, she has
been experiencing double vision, headaches, and amenorrhea. A skull MRI indicates a Pituitary adenoma. Blood tests indicate low estrogen, progesterone, and TSH levels.
Case 7. A married woman visited the physician with the manifestation of hirsutism, amenorrhea and infertility.
The USG of lower abdomen reveals multiple ovarian cysts which was confirmed as PCOS or Stein-Leventhal Syndrome by laparoscopic procedure and associated hormonal abnormalities including elevated androgen, estrogen and LH level and decreased FSH level.
Case 8. Mr. Allen, age 44, had a generalized seizure unexpectedly at work with no previous history of trauma, infection or other illness. MRI and EEG were done and was diagnosed a cerebral tumor in the right parietal lobe. The tumor was removed surgically, and follow-up radiation therapy was recommended.
Anatomy and Physiology Case Analysis (LS 6000)
ANSWER SHEET: Answer to the following 5 questions for each case study
Q.1. Identify the body part (organ) and/or body system related to the diagnosis of the disease of the case study. (Please check the one that applies).
⎯ Central Nervous System
⎯ Peripheral Nervous System
⎯ Heart and Great Vessel
⎯ Upper Arteries
⎯ Lower Arteries
⎯ Upper Veins
⎯ Lower Veins
⎯ Lymphatic and Hemic
⎯ Eye, Ear, Nose, Sinus
⎯ Respiratory
⎯ Mouth and Throat
⎯ Gastrointestinal
⎯ Skin and Breast
⎯ Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
⎯ Muscles .Tendons
⎯ Bursae and Ligament .
⎯ Head and Facial Bones .
⎯ Upper Bones .
⎯ Lower Bones .
⎯ Upper Joints .
⎯ Lower Joints
⎯ Urinary System
⎯ Female Reproductive
⎯ Male Reproductive
⎯ Endocrine
⎯ Hepatobiliary and Pancreas
Q. 2. Identify the location of the body part (organ) and/or body system related to the diagnosis of the disease of the case study. .
⎯ Cranial cavity
⎯ Vertebral cavity
⎯ Thoracic cavity
⎯ Abdominal cavity
⎯ Pelvic cavity
⎯ Right Hypochondriac
⎯ Epigastric
⎯ Left Hypochondriac
⎯ Right Lumbar
⎯ Umbilical
⎯ Left Lumbar
⎯ Right Iliac
⎯ Hypogastric
⎯ Left Iliac
⎯ Anatomical Region Upper Extremities
⎯ Anatomical
⎯ Region Lower Extremities
Q. 3. Briefly mention the function(s) of the body part and/or body system related
to the diagnosis of the disease of the case study.
Q. 4. Identify at least three medical terms from each case and search the
meaning of those words and briefly enlist them.
Q. 5. Identify the medical abbreviation and its meaning of each case study (if present).