Using the CDC articleLinks to an external site. what information would you offer to the parents of Clarice?

Words: 282
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

You are a registered nurse in a pediatric primary care office. You are completing an assessment of Clarice, a three-day-old infant during a well-child office visit. As you are reviewing Clarice’s EHR from her recent hospitalization after birth, you notice that Clarice’s parents refused the first HBV immunization which is usually given before discharge after the infant is born. In your facility, a review of immunization history is required for all pediatric patients.
When you question the parents about their refusal of the vaccination, they state that they don’t believe in vaccines, because vaccines are not necessary and that their child doesn’t have any high-risk behaviors which would necessitate her receiving the vaccine.
Using the CDC articleLinks to an external site. what information would you offer to the parents of Clarice? What educational information would you offer to the parents? How would you as the health professional balance respecting the parent’s control over the decision-making regarding their child with the benefits of having their child immunized against a potentially harmful viral disease?
You will be assigned to a group by your instructor:
Group #1: Clarice should have the vaccination series for HBV (Hepatitis B) to protect her and others from infectious diseases that are preventable.

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