Define Key Concepts and Terms Each answer is worth 5 points (20 total). Choose four terms (two from each triad) and write 250 words for each.

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Part One: Define Key Concepts and Terms Each answer is worth 5 points (20 total). Choose four terms (two from each triad) and write 250 words for each. Define the term, identify the author(s) and place it in the context of the argument made by the author. Make sure to cite the text in your answer.
1) Repression
2) The Latino Threat Narrative
3) Prevention Through Deterrence
4) Recycling
5) La Facultad
6) The Hispanic Challenge

Part Two: Analyze a Passage
Each answer is worth 5 points (10 total). Choose two passages below. Identify the author and explain the passage in your own words. What role does this passage play in the overall argument of the text? Answers should be 250 words each.

Anglo-Californians have always criminalized the problem of mountain wildfire. The majority have never accepted the natural role or inevitability of the chaparral fire cycle. (Conversely, there has been a persistent tendency to naturalize the strictly human causality of tenement fire.) Political as distinct from scientific discourse has long been obsessed with identifying an “incendiary Other” responsible for fire destruction.
Supporters argued that access to blue-collar warehouse jobs meant economic opportunity for local residents. Accordingly, denying people access to logistics jobs for the sake of protecting a pastoral lifestyle amounted to class warfare against the city’s growing working class. The result was a type of moral spatial economy that linked the success of the logistics industry with the economic welfare of the Latinx population. Warehouse supporters invoked social justice language and political performance to emphasize their claims.

The progressive criminalization of migration in this period did not serve to halt the influx of undocumented migrants or to purge them from within U.S. borders but rather to ensure their unequal insertion in segmented U.S. labor markets, that is, to guarantee the availability of a more docile and compliant class of racialized laborers vulnerable to expulsion. Indeed, the steady increase of immigration enforcement throughout the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s resulted in the growth, not reduction, of the undocumented population in the United States— a trend that would not be reversed until the 2009 recession and its aftermath.

Part Three: Essay
The essay is worth 10 points. Respond to the prompt below. Write 500-750 words answering the prompt in your own words. Make sure to cite the texts in your answer.

In the first half of the course, we reviewed fundamental concepts that early Chicano historians developed to explain the racial domination and economic exploitation of Mexican descended people in the U.S. Take one concept from the first half of the course (“The Mexican Problem,” Barrioization, Racial Dualism, Internal Colonialism) and use the work of one author in the second half of the course (Chavez, Davis, De Lara, Goodfriend) to analyze how that concept is extended, modified or complicated under present historical conditions. Is the concept still useful for explaining discrimination and inequality today? How?

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