Midterm Project:
“Fashion Exhibition Proposal”
Project Overview:
In this midterm project, you will act as a curator for a fashion exhibition at a museum of your choice, like The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. You will develop a comprehensive exhibition proposal that includes a theme, title, and a press release. Additionally, you will identify potential business partners for a retail aspect within the exhibition.
Project Components:
Museum Selection: Choose a museum where you would like to host your fashion exhibition. Consider factors like location, target audience, and the museum’s existing exhibitions.
Exhibition Theme: Develop a compelling and unique theme for your fashion exhibition. Your theme should reflect contemporary fashion designers and their impact on the industry.
*This section should include the exhibition’s theme, why you chose the theme, why this theme and group of designers are culturally important and an abstract on the exhibitions them and desired experience/outcome. *
Exhibition Title: Create an engaging title that encapsulates the essence of your exhibition. It should be catchy and thought-provoking.
*Provide the Exhibition’s title, how it ties into them, and seeks to engage with the reader. *
Press Release: Write a press release for your fashion exhibition. Include details about the theme, title, participating designers, and the museum. The press release should generate excitement and interest.
Business Partners: Identify potential business partners for the retail aspect of your exhibition. Consider collaborating with fashion brands for the sale of branded merchandise like clothing, candles, postcards, or other relevant items. Explain why these partners are a good fit for your exhibition.
Mood Board: Develop a mood board with images relating to your overarching theme and designers that might be seen in the exhibition.
Submission Details:
Submit a well-organized document that includes all the above components of your fashion exhibition proposal. Your document should be professional, well-researched, and visually appealing. As well you should provide references for how you came to your conclusions.
Evaluation Criteria:
Creativity and uniqueness of the exhibition theme and title.
Clarity and professionalism of the press release.
Thoughtful selection of the museum and rationale.
Use of high-resolution images to visually communicate the presenter’s plan.
Identification and justification of business partners.
Insightful Research as to the cultural importance of the exhibition.
Overall presentation and organization of the proposal.
Use of APA 7th Edition formatting
Use of in-text citations