Write a brief essay about ONE of the listed significant sustainable development issue impacting the business sector: climate change, pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, waste/e-waste, poverty, human rights, modern slavery, inequality or food insecurity.

Words: 70
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Instructions: Write a brief essay about ONE of the listed significant sustainable development issue impacting the business sector: climate change, pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, waste/e-waste, poverty, human rights, modern slavery, inequality or food insecurity. The expectations are outlined below:
1. Please give your essay a title, use page numbers, provide the word count, and put your name and student ID on the essay.
2. 2. You must have 10+ academic peer-reviewed references, in addition to the literature I provided.
3. Describe the issue (e.g. definition, cause and effects), outlining its evolution and highlighting key events that have defined the issue to date. Address the physical / factual dimensions of the issue (e.g. size, scope or scale of the issue) and the societal / regulatory / legal context, if appropriate, for how the issue has evolved (e.g. global agreements, national laws/regulation). Do not focus on any particular industry at this stage of the essay. (12%)
4. Evaluate the issue in the context of business: How is business impacting the issue? How is business impacted by the issue? How is business responding to the issue? You may choose a specific industry, or industries, to focus on for this section. Do not choose one specific organisation but you can provide examples from several organisations in the industry you have chosen. (18%)
5. Summarise the current trends and future responses to the issue and potential implications for business. (5%)
6. Written expression: grammar, quality of references, essay structure and logic. (5%)

Purpose: There is increasing focus on the role of business in contributing to and addressing sustainability issues. This assignment seeks to get you quickly engaged with the business interface of a sustainability issue. The intent is to encourage independent research, critical thinking and broadly improve your contextual knowledge of the business sector.

Structure of Essay:
1.Use section headings to address the essay requirements, for e.g..Introduction (aim of essay and what it covers)
Business interface
2.Wordcount for each section reflects weighting of marksMost wordcount in ‘Evaluate the issue in the context of business’ section
3.Use peer-reviewed academic sources (references)10 references as a guide
4.Make sure you provide a title for all tables/diagrams/figures, and referencethem in the textE.g.,“Table 1 summarises …
5.Give your essay a title, include your name, wordcount and page numbers

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