Explain how the decisions made by management, marketing and operations functions of the company can impact, and hopefully improve, these financial ratios.

Words: 196
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

FINC 300, INFO 300, MGMT 300, MKTG 300
The objective of the integrated semester is to help you extend your knowledge of how the
Finance, Operations, Management, and
functioning in the real world of business. This assignment is an assessment of how well you
understand this integration. It is worth 10% of your course grade in each of the four disciplines.
Please read all the instructions carefully before beginning to answer the questions. Contact your
instructor if you don’t understand the assignment’s requirements. You will lose points if you fail
to follow the instructions or if the submission is formatted incorrectly.

discipline separately.


Semester courses
uploaded to your

and articles, Bloomberg terminals, your Integrated Semester textbooks, PowerPoint slides,
and other sources your professor assigns.

sourcing of information. Do your own work.
Please make sure to read the background case about Walmart and the other resources provided by
your professor before you answer the questions below. Use either the Bloomberg terminals
located at the Feliciano School of Business or other reputable sources such as
finance.yahoo.com, morningstar.com, the Wall Street Journal etc. for the financial data to support
your answers. Provide references for the financial data that you use at the end of the finance
portion of the term paper (use APA format for the refer
Questions (please answer the
fast food outlets. Assume that Walmart is considering launching a larger supercenter to surpass
this one in N
undertaking of this scale requires coordinated planning across all
are studying in your Integrated Core classes. Choose and discuss three items on the
that you think opening a new supercenter will impact. Explain why you chose those particular
items, and how the marketing, management and operations decisions of the company would
five categories. Choose
Walmart for the last two fiscal years
opening a new supercenter will affect
companies over the two most recent years. Explain
how the decisions made by management, marketing and operations functions of the company can
impact, and hopefully improve, these financial ratios.
company places on the experiences of its customers and associates (employees). Discuss how
any violations of business ethics in the company might affect its investors, customers and
employees, and ultimately impact the company’s overall financial performance. Provide specific
examples of controversies concerning Walmart in recent years to support your arguments.

Integrated Semester AoL Rubric (1) (1)
Integrated Semester AoL Rubric (1) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrated Semester AoL (does not count toward assignment grade)
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts
(Highest score) Student demonstrates clear and deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the four business disciplines, through appropriate, case-related examples and thorough explanation/discussion
4 pts
Student demonstrates clear and broad understanding of functional business integration and/or only offers evidence of how three of the disciplines interrelate
3 pts
Student demonstrates adequate understanding of functional business integration and/or only offers clear evidence of how two of the disciplines interrelate
2 pts
Student demonstrates limited or uneven understanding of functional business integration or offers minimal evidence of how the individual disciplines interrelate
1 pts
(Lowest score) Student demonstrates inadequate or poor understanding of functional business integration and/or fails to present clear evidence of how the individual disciplines interrelate

Total Points: 0

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