Review and research in-depth one of the films watched for the course and present their findings in research paper.

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Pages: 1
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Review and research in-depth one of the films watched for the course and present their findings in research paper. The movie is ‘The Fighter’ starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale. Identify meaning for the film (implicit) as your theme. Consider the development of the film and theme by theory, meaning, and ideology. Analyze how this film approaches your theme. Be specific with character’s names, places, and specific scenes by using cinematic language and analysis from the course chapters. You may only use one theme with subsections. Research about the director and film are also encouraged. If you summarize, keep it short. No more than 3-4 sentences. A minimum of five academic (5) sources is required. Use Forsyth Library Online databases to search for your academic sources. Source material for dialogue from the film, or for character names will not count as part of the five sources. APA format (this is a short, unpublished paper. Double-Spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point, Time New Roman font. 5 – 7-pages. Do not increase font size or add extra spaces for length. A title page and reference page are required. You do not need an abstract page.

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